Friday, January 25, 2013

Song of the Week

This is something I decided I will do. If you're not intelligent enough to figure it out by the title, something I will do once a week. And since this week is almost over, and this will be my favorite song of the week still tomorrow, here is my first Song of the Week:

P.S.-I love Mumford and Sons. I could have posted three of their songs, but I decided on this one.

P.S.S.-There may be swearing, so be cautious.

Mumford and Sons-Little Lion Man:

That Disappointing Feeling

In life, you're filled with challenges. Some will make you stronger immediately. Some will make you weaker, then in the long run build you up and prepare you for what the world holds. And, unfortunately, sometimes these challenges bring us down for good.

One of the challenges we face in life is disappointment. We can have disappointment from anything. From our parents, our significant others, our friends, or, in my case most often, from ourselves. It strikes us at any time, and tries to bring us down. There is really not much positive outlook on disappointment, because, in simple terms, it means you failed.

Failed. Just let that word sink in for a moment. You had a goal. You may or may not have prepared appropriately. You didn't succeed.

I've had many disappointing moments in my life. I've failed many times. We all do. Unfortunately, it's the only way we can shape ourselves into who we are today. We live. We learn. And somewhere inbetween those, we make countless mistakes.

What's worse than that disappointing feeling? Honestly, tell me. Not much. When you sit down and just loath in that feeling, it can be overwhelming. It can make a grown man cry.

I feel that disappointed feeling right now. I'm disappointed in myself for what I did on the court tonight. I'm disappointed in how I may have made some people feel recently. I'm disappointed in how I've let my parents down. It gets to me at times, just like it gets to you. Anyone who reads this knows what I'm talking about.

I'm not asking you to feel bad for me, because I don't deserve it. And when you're feeling bad, don't expect others to feel bad for you either. Most likely, the reason we have this disappointed feeling is of our own fault. There are things you could have done to prevent it. Prepare more. Expect less. Be smarter. Anything. If you truly take time to look at the disappointing events that have taken course in your life, the problem can most likely be traced back to you. While the end result may not have been all your fault, I almost guarantee some of it is.

I'm not saying that you shouldn't be upset when something goes wrong. You have that right. I am guilty of it; we all are. I'm just simply saying, instead of trying to blame others for mistakes, even if it was, look at what you could have done better as well. That won't clear all your problems, but it will help you figure out exactly what happened and help better yourself for future decisions.

You're going to fail in life. It's plain and simple. You're going to be disappointed, and you're going to disappoint. But you can't let the negatives of the situation prevent you from trying to build positives. Sitting and feeling bad for yourself will do you nothing. Trust me, I've done it too many times.

Go work on your flaws. You will never be perfect, but when you look back later in life, you'll be happy for trying to change. Try to make a difference. Try to look at your mistakes and not others.

And for those who have disappointed you, no matter how bad it was, I can offer a simple solution. Forgive them. They don't mean it. Some people just operate differently than you. Accept them and their weaknesses, and that may be the first step for them trying to improve what they struggle with.

I'm not good at anything I've suggested in this blog. I blame others a lot. I don't always take time to work on what I've done wrong, which is why I tend to disappoint so frequently. But there's a point in your life where you have to throw away the past and look forward to the future.

Don't let the disappointing feeling stick around. Don't let it bring you down. If it has, use it as motivation to build yourself back up. You're going to fail at something again in your life. You're going to screw up on a test. You're going to have a bad game. You're going to mess up in your relationship.

But, why would you dwell on those? Why let that disappointing feeling ruin the good you have left?

Live. Makes mistakes. But, instead of putting your bags away, unpack them and get ready to work on improving yourself.

Sorry if you didn't want me to give life lessons on this blog. I just wanted to get this off my chest, hoping for a better one after my game tomorrow. But, until then, have a good one.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

You're Back?

Hey everyone, good evening. Good morning to those reading this in the morning. And hola todos for those reading this in Spansh! Oh, wait...

So, this is kind of another introduction-to-me type of thing. But it's an introduction to my blog. Creative, right? Anyway, you're probably wondering what exactly I'm going to write about on this blog, or maybe you're not. Either way, I'm going to tell you.

In this blog, I will write about my most hated teachers, my ex-girlfriends, and all the life mistakes I've made. And by that, I mean I will never talk about any of those. Sorry.

Honestly, I don't know what I will write about. Anything. I may write about a game I just played. I may write about an Illinois loss game I just witnessed. I may just write about my day. Or if I'm bored, I may literally write about nothing. Not that I'll write nothing, but I will write about nothing. Makes sense, right? Good.

I try to be funny. And I'm not. I get it. No need for the countless comments and constant hits on this blog just to tell me that. I will be fine without all you haters. But, I don't mind haters..they are my motivators. Yeah, get on my level. I will try to be as loose as possible on this blog. If you find my stuff funny, you're stupid. If it's not funny, you're still stupid.

Plain and simple, I live a boring life and thought this would be something cool to do in my down time. This could develop into something completely different in a month. I just have to see how everything plays out.

I don't even know if I will ever get anyone to read this. It's more of a self entertainment type of thing. Kind of like....yeah, you get it.

So, here is the beginning of a journey. A journey into the heart and soul of one man. Okay, enough of that bullspit already. Enjoy the blog, or don't enjoy it. Up to you. But if you don't enjoy it, I swear I will come for you and end you. Either way, I wish you the best.

But that will wrap up my second blog post. Have a good one!

P.S. The ED Warrior girls dominated Warren tonight! Way to go ladies!

I'm Just Another Kid

Yeah, if you read the title, like every other average Joe reading this pointless and stupid blog post, your question about who I am is answered. I'm just another teenage kid. Just another average 17-year old looking to find his place in the world. I'm just average..I hate school, I like some girls, I don't get my homework done on time, and I love to watch television and sometimes even play video games.  Oh, I do like sports as well..more specifically football, but just in case somebody were to find this, let's say I like basketball and baseball too. Who am I kidding, I HATE LOVE those two sports.

Bored yet? Good. I hope so. So, let me continue. You ask what I want to do with my life? Honestly, I have no idea. I'm just a junior in high school, I can't even decide which outfit I look best in. That being said, I look good in too many, it's just too hard to pick. And by that, I mean I'm you're typical high school douche that likes to look pretty by matching his outfits and even shoes. But maybe one or two all the girls dig it, so I gotta provide.

In all seriousness, though, I really think I'm going to college for journalism. I write for a major sports site that I know none of you care about, so I'm on the right track. I also want to play football in college. Football is my first and only love..for now, ladies ;)..and I plan on playing that in college. But, we'll get into all these details in later posts.

That's all I'm going to leave you with this time around, folks. If I still have anyone reading this post, I HATE YOU AND I HOPE YOU HAVE A HORRIBLE LIFE I hope you have a wonderful day, or night if it's nighttime.

Just wanted to introduce my boring, energetic, handsome, and often annoying self. Chances are you already know this, though, because I doubt anyone that I don't know will read this.

Okay, enough of this bullspit. (Yes I said that on purpose, fyi.) Hope you enjoy, give it some reads, comment, or even email me at Just kidding, don't email me. Seriously. Don't.

Goodnight everyone. Going to watch our girls win a basketball game! Good luck girls!